History learning innovation tools for small and medium sized ceramic enterprises (CERVIVE)

The ceramic SMEs, due to the recent financial crisis, phase the risk of shutting down, since demand has being reduced. The successors of these Ceramic Entrepreneurs are reasonably rarely interested to continue the businesses of their parents, since they do not see a sustainable future. The project comes to apply the Learning History model to small and medium sized ceramic enterprises, especially family operated in order the knowledge of the ancestor to be adequately and efficiently transferred to the successors thus strengthening the contribution of elder people to the learning of others including young adults.

Objectives of the project
To develop a Learning History Model customized for the Ceramic SMEs. During this customization, a categorization of common ceramic practices will be prepared in a form of an ontology that will help the ceramists to document their knowledge in the areas they have expertise.
To develop a training handbook. The handbook will provide training material on basic skills for junior ceramic entrepreneurs in ceramic sector.
To develop the software toolkit that will be the mean to capture and transfer the knowledge from the senior to the junior ceramists.

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